Wandering Through Meadows Chapbooks

Wandering Through Meadows
A Chapbook Series of Short Stories in 3 Volumes!

Wandering Through Meadows is a chapbook series of fun, fantastical, and sometimes romantic short stories. Each book contains four short stories in the following genres: literary, fantasy, romance, and general fiction. In volume one, read about swashbuckling pirates and one young boy's adventures at sea, trouble is afoot among fairies and imps in one woman's decrepit garden, how the ordinary becomes extraordinary as a sinister evil lurks, or discover a love affair nearly foiled by rain and fear. In volume two, read about one young lady's dream of independence, another woman's trip down the metaphorical rabbit hole, a couple's first date interrupted in a bad way, and find out what happens when a woman's desire trumps sensibility. And in volume three, read about a mermaid's obsession with unrequited love, children at play (hmm... the names of these characters seem familiar!), a young girl's transition from her magical playhouse, and a dancing feline.

Purchase Wandering Through Meadows chapbooks at a low cost of $5 each.

Volumes 1 & 2 is now on Amazon Kindle!
Volume 1
Volume 2

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